
Wild Ramp Pesto

We picked ramps and made this with pasta. It’s yummy with peas and spinach too. 

1 bunch of ramps
1/2 cup walnuts (toasted)
1/3 cup olive oil (or 1/2 cup, you kind of have to eyeball it)
1/2 cup grated parmigiano reggiano cheese
sea salt
a squirt of lemon

Wash and cut off the leaves of the ramps. Optional step: blanche the ramp leaves in boiling water. Some say this makes the pesto more bright and vibrant. I think it's plenty beautiful either way. Chop the ramps and walnuts just a bit and put them in your food processor. Add most of the cheese (save a sprinkle for serving) and a good dash of salt and pepper. Pouring the olive oil in slowly, process contents until they combine and look, well... pesto-y. Taste for seasoning and add a good squirt of lemon. Use to top your favorite pasta, or grilled bread... and enjoy.
(Eden washing the ramps in the river. May 2020)

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